Pastor Sabbaticals

Pastor Sabbaticals

Pastors and their families need time to get away, refresh, and refocus their ministry. Often, this much-needed rest is cost prohibitive for pastoral families. We are happy to provide completely free sabbaticals for pastoral families here at Lake Yale. The cost to us is minimal, but the value is eternal. Please continue to pray that

  1. God will bless the pastors and their families and will continue to provide a way for them to get away together and focus on Him.
  2. Churches will continue to support their pastoral staff by allowing them an opportunity to get away with their family
  3. Donors will continue to give to offset the cost of this program for pastors (NOTE: we will continue to offer this program 100% free to pastors and their families, even if it means pulling funds from other areas to do so. It is that important to us, because we know it is that important to the pastors and families we serve!)
  4. Pastors will be refreshed and their focus on ministry renewed
  5. Pastoral families will be strengthened and encouraged to continue on in the ministry
  6. Churches will grow and will be even more vibrant because of their support of the ministry, their pastor, and his family.

Over the course of last year, we were honored to host over 46 pastoral families, nearly 4 families per month! This fall, we will have a designated apartment, with a full kitchen, and multiple bedrooms for larger families. We are praising the Lord for His blessings for us to continue this program here at Lake Yale.

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